Crypto Sports Betting Solutions

Hello, the sports betting site has been prepared with the best prices, along with fully dedicated support and scripts. The ability to add any API the buyer wants.


open source $49,999$ In this plan, only the entire site with all the code is provided to the buyer with 3 months of free support. However, for more than three months, the buyer can request help from our team, which includes a daily fee of $100.


without open source $20,000 In this plan, the site is installed on our server, the codes are not provided to the buyer, and $4,000 is charged for each month of work.


Without open source and, with partnership work $5,000. In this case, each month the site's profit is divided by 3 and 33% of the profit each month goes to the buyer.


Some features of the site
Automatic pre matches
automatic live bets
Automatic result scores
Sending and receiving messages on the site
Automatic cryptocurrency gateway
Please note  the site server has a monthly cost of about $150, which the buyer must pay.


What is an API? It is the place where the games come from and the results are recorded instantly and completely automatically. By default, the site can set its API, but if the buyer wants, we can change it for him, which of course includes time. The cost is $100 for each day of work.


Can the site add features? Yes, the site will do whatever it can do, with a cost of $100 per day.


Is the betting site profitable? If it is done well and advertised well, it can easily reach more than $1 million per month.


For more information, contact us now.